Magnolia Studio | Portfolio Meet the Greens!

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Creatively Meticulous Designs

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Meet the Greens!

Meet the Greens!
Guerneville, California

©2024, Noella's Art
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Written and drawn by Abi Allen

image: Meet the Greens! Cover
Meet the Greens! Cover

I was recommended for this amazing book project by a mutual West Sonoma County friend. Where normally my book projects are all about copyediting, proofreading and text layout, this book was all about COLOR! And about loving all of our neighbors!

We began this project in Fall of 2022 as a basic layout for an 11x8.5 inch hardcover children's book, but it soon evolved into a very detailed photo restoration project on top of the book design effort. As the author works with markers, there were extensive bleed issues where adjacent colors came together which I cleaned up with Adobe Photoshop. In addition, the textures of skin and sky, grass, and individual eyeballs etc... needed smoothing and a bit of cloning. After many months of restoration work we produced a 100-page version with Part Openers and 78 images. [ … Read More ]

However after sharing it with several bookstore owners Noel was advised that a smaller version with fewer pages would be better for children. So Noel decided to reduce it to 40 pages with the extra images reserved for future projects such as, calendars, gift cards, and someday the expanded version.

I assisted her with obtaining the ISBN, barcode, and copyright and we worked through Ingram Spark's online self-publishing process to obtain a beautiful hard cover volume. As she preferred a "hybrid" type of publishing (direct and on-demand) she chose Ingram-Spark to distribute directly to book stores and Amazon for her on-demand orders. She obtained printed books to sell directly and at book signings, etc... You can buy her book on Barnes and Noble. It is also available for purchase on Amazon. [ Read Less ]

image: Meet the Greens! Title Page
Meet the Greens! Title Page
image: Introduction from Abi Allen
Introduction from Abi Allen
image: In a tiny spacecraft...
In a tiny spacecraft...
image: Then, early on the morning of August 5th...
Early on the morning of August 5th...
image: All the hubbub woke Fred and Tania...
All the hubbub woke Fred and Tania...
image: Not everyone was happy...
Not everyone was happy...
image: The Greens came back to West County...
The Greens came back to West County...
image: Zephyr and I became best friends...
Zephyr and I became best friends...
image: We hike out at the coast...
We hike out at the coast...
image: One hot day we all went to the beach...
One hot day we all went to the beach...
image: Then a big sneaky sleeper wave...
Then a big sneaky sleeper wave...
image: Another colorful West County family...
Another colorful West County family...
image: But for now the Greens are fixing to stay...
But for now the Greens...
image: And me
And me.
image: The End
The End

Client Testimonial

March 20, 2024

"I was referred to Phyllis by a mutual friend when I mentioned I needed someone to help put Meet the Greens! into a pleasing form. Taking on image restoration for over 60 messy, colorful images, not including the front and back covers, was a Herculean task which Phyllis met unflinchingly! She was really patient with me and my artwork, counselling this first-time indie book creator with a lot to learn. I know we both finished many days of working on the book in states of exhaustion and pride.

"The fact that Phyllis has experience in just about every aspect of book creation — from concept to design, to copyediting and print specifications — means that she was the perfect person for this enormous job. Meet the Greens! is her creation as much as it is mine. She brought the book to vivid life with high professional standards which rise far above the work of many book designers. Believe me, I’ve looked at a lot of children’s books and most of them don’t come close to the quality of design which she is capable of producing.

"She’ll be hearing from me again as soon as my next project is under way."

Noel Yates — Author and Publisher