©2013, Abuse Antidote Publications
Lost in the Valley of the Apples: Alzheimer's and Beyond
Cuando Sali de Cuba (When I Left Cuba)
Written by Marta May
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For the Love of Benjamine is a 203-page, 5.5 x 8.5 inch, perfect-bound volume. We also included this book on Marta's AbuseAntidote.com web site for online sales.
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October 6, 2020
"Without Phyllis, my books would remain in written, but not published, limbo. Phyllis is the absolute best at editing and putting my writing into a book format, and following through until the actual books are delivered to my front door.
"Not only is she an expert at what she does, but she is also a great, trustworthy human being, that has become a close friend."
Marta May — Author and Publisher
Abuse Antidote Publications