Jill Nussinow, also known as "The Veggie Queen™" is a local educator and vegetarian chef in Sonoma County, California. After publishing her first book "The Veggie Queen: Vegetables Get The Royal Treatment" she needed thank you postcards for customers who purchased her book and DVD.
I proceeded to coordinate and design the complete package for her branding, starting with the 5.5x8.5 inch thank you postcards featuring her Veggie Queen cariacature and a blank back side for inscribing a note. I soon was asked to produce full color double-sided complimentary bookmarks and business cards to promote her Veggie Queen book and her new book featured on this portfolio page: The New Fast Food: The Veggie Queen™ Pressure Cooks Whole Food Meals in Less Than 30 Minutes
Once her web site was up and running she needed an online newsletter advertisement and email web banner that used the same logos, palettes, and branding style as her other products. This email web banner has been used for many years opening her monthly blog email posts.
March 16, 2012
"If you want a designer who provides great service, is thorough, detail- and deadline-oriented, fast and reasonable (in more ways than one), then I highly suggest working with Phyllis Peterson of Magnolia Studio. Phyllis has done work for me from simple business and thank you cards to producing my new cookbook, The New Fast Food: The Veggie Queen™ Pressure Cooks Whole Food Meals in Less Than 30 Minutes with charts and photos. She also made it into a wonderful interactive PDF with bookmarks and hyperlinks to videos and other cool stuff. Phyllis has been a pleasure to work with. I am sure that my book would not be as aesthetically pleasing if Phyllis had not put her graphic design magic to work."
Jill Nussinow, The Veggie Queen™ — Founder and Director of Vegetarian Connection Press