Magnolia Studio | Portfolio Wolf River Art League Start Art Mural Project Booklet 2019-2022

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Wolf River Art League Start Art
Mural Project Booklet 2019-2022

Wolf River Art League — Start Art Mural Project Booklet 2019-2022
New London, Wisconsin

©2023, Wolf River Art League

Written by Lori Jo Schneider
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image: Wolf River Art League Start Art Mural Project 2019-2022 Booklet Cover
Wolf River Art League Start Art Mural Project
2019-2022 Booklet Cover

During the COVID-19 shutdown artists from the Wolf River Art League joined together with local businesses, the New London Area Chamber of Commerce, and various community members joined together to launch the Start Art Mural Project which produced 70 murals throughout this small northeastern Wisconsin town.

This massive project was not only a beautiful artistic accomplishment, but the facelift it provided for the town's businesses has captivated the interest of tourists from across the country to see the murals in person. The influx of new people is benefitting both the local artists and the town's economy.

I was so impressed by the way the community was galvanized by this vision that I joined the Art League in July 2022. I soon volunteered to design a booklet that featured photos of the artists with their work, descriptions, locations and maps to locate the murals, past history of the Art League, and their future projects. [ … Read More ]

My first task was to sort through, organize, and choose the best images of the murals with the artists from nearly 1,000 photos. This initial sorting process was my opportunity to get acquainted with each mural. The artists provided descriptions of their inspirations and their challenges during the creation of their art.

The Art League president, Lori Jo Schneider, wrote the text throughout, including: introduction, history of the project and fundraising, the painting process, history of the Art League, and future projects. I copyedited and proofread all of the text content including image captions. Eighty-four-year-old Ginny Pharr, another Art League member, was enlisted to provide green and blue watercolor images as backgrounds for every other page.

The most challenging technical feature for me was to produce the four detailed maps that provided a guide to navigate the town and locate the murals. QR Codes linked to Google Maps were included for GPS navigation.

My personal challenge was trying to decide which of the 50 pages to display here on my web site. Generally I choose samples that show different page layouts and design concepts which feature the broad range of my skills rather than highlighting the content of those pages.

This 5.5"x8.5", 50 page, saddle-stitched booklet was offered for a $1.00 suggested donation at the 2023 Wolf River Art League's Art Show to offset the printing costs. The New London Area Chamber of Commerce also granted the Art League a donation to cover the remaining costs.
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image: Mural Project Booklet Title Page
Mural Project Booklet
Title Page
image: Mural Project Booklet Table of Contents
Mural Project Booklet
Table of Contents
image: Mural Project Booklet Start Art Begins
Mural Project Booklet
START Art Begins
image: Mural Project Booklet Amazing Fundraising Wall
Mural Project Booklet
Amazing Fundraising Wall
image: Mural Project Booklet Volunteers
Mural Project Booklet
image: Mural Project Booklet Painting the Murals
Mural Project Booklet
Painting the Murals
image: Mural Project Booklet Murals and Locations
Mural Project Booklet
Murals and Locations
image: Mural Project Booklet Murals and Locations
Mural Project Booklet
Murals and Locations
image: Mural Project Booklet Murals and Locations
Mural Project Booklet
Murals and Locations
image: Mural Project Booklet Murals and Locations
Mural Project Booklet
Murals and Locations
image: Mural Project Booklet Downtown Maps
Mural Project Booklet
Downtown Maps
image: Mural Project Booklet Downtown Maps
Mural Project Booklet
Downtown Maps
image: Mural Project Booklet Veterans Memorial
Mural Project Booklet
Veterans Memorial
image: Mural Project Booklet Veterans Memorial
Mural Project Booklet
Veterans Memorial
image: Mural Project Booklet Business Listing
Mural Project Booklet
Business Listing
image: Mural Project Booklet Volunteer Artists
Mural Project Booklet
Volunteer Artists
image: Mural Project Booklet Youth Art Gallery
Mural Project Booklet
Youth Art Gallery
image: Mural Project Booklet Building Transformations
Mural Project Booklet
Building Transformations
image: Mural Project Booklet New London Parks Projects
Mural Project Booklet
New London Parks Projects
image: Mural Project Booklet Awards and Recognition
Mural Project Booklet
Awards and Recognition
image: Mural Project Booklet Business Advertising
Mural Project Booklet
Business Advertising
image: Mural Project Booklet Business Advertising
Mural Project Booklet
Business Advertising
image: Mural Project Booklet Business Advertising
Mural Project Booklet
Business Advertising
image: Mural Project Booklet Business Advertising
Mural Project Booklet
Business Advertising

Murals Banners
image: Hortonville Murals Banner
Hortonville Murals Banner

image: New London Youth Baseball Banner
New London Youth Baseball Banner

Client Testimonial

April 27, 2023

"Phyllis came to us when we needed her most! I had so many irons in the fire and the booklet was always being pushed to the side. Phyllis took the reins and pushed me to get it done, which wasn’t always my favorite thing to do, but I appreciate her persistence because we prevailed! The effort of the mural project was massive, so of course the booklet followed suit. It’s a complete story that Phyllis learned along the way and because she had not been involved prior, asked all the right questions so that the public would understand the process. We appreciate her hard work and volunteerism in our league."

Lori Jo Schneider — President, Wolf River Art League